Rabbi Levi Vogel was born and raised in Rochester N.Y., where his parents established the Chabad Center for Jewish Enrichment in 1981. He studied in Yeshivot in Detroit, London, Israel, Morristown N.J. and the Central Yeshivah in Brooklyn N.Y. where he received his Rabbinic Ordination.
While completing his rabbinical and postgraduate studies, Levi was an active participant in Chabad’s Youth Outreach programs, serving in summer camps throughout the United States as well as Russia, Belgium, France and the Ukraine.
He also participated in Chabad’s “Peace Corps” program, reaching out to remote and isolated Jewish communities throughout the world - from conducting seders in Siberia and Grenada, to connecting with Jews in the hills of Idaho and Montana.
Mrs. Fraidy Vogel grew up in an open home where Jewish outreach is a natural way of life. After graduating with honors from the Beth Rivkah High School in Brooklyn N.Y., she received her degree in education from the Division of Higher Learning of the Beth Rivkah Teacher’s Seminary.
Her devotion and care for a brighter Jewish future endeared her to Jewish communities in New Jersey, Ohio, California and England. With her exceptional love for children and positive demeanor, Fraidy worked at the Chabad Early Learning Center of the Upper Westside in Manhattan and served as "Mechanechet" – Mentor at the Bnos Menachem Lubavitch Girls School in Brooklyn N.Y.
The Vogels are joined by their lively children.
With their warmth and non-judgmental approach, the Vogel’s have dedicated themselves to servicing the needs of the Jewish community of St. Augustine.