Local Kosher Takeout
We offer a variety of meal options for visitors, right here in St Augustine. Please note: Orders must be made at least 48 hours in advance. Click here to view options and place an order.
There are no Kosher restaurants presently in St Augustine. For Kosher restaurants in
Jacksonville (approx. 40 min. on interstate 95 north),
click here
. For the Kosher restaurant & catering in Ormond Beach/Daytona (approx. 50 min. on interstate 95 south),
Click here.
Minyan Information
Presently, there are no daily minyans yet in St Augustine. We generally have Shabbat services on Shabbat mornings. Please contact us for more info and to verify our schedule.
Closest daily minyans are in
Jacksonville and
Ormond Beach.
Kosher Supermarkets
Closest supermarket that has a large kosher section, including meats and cholov yisroel dairy products, is Winn Dixie in Jacksonville to the north.
Click here for location and directions. The kosher restaurant in Ormond Beach also has a Kosher grocery.
Click here for location and directions.